The Marketors’ Company –
Master’s (or Company’s) Year Book
The Master’s Year Book, sometimes called the Company Year Book, was scanned and digitised by SDS City of London. The book has been defined for the WCM’s 2014 year as comprising the following segments:
- Master’s Vignette – four pages of pictures of the Master/Wardens/Court
- Master’s review – a six page of the year from his/her prospective view
- Master’s/Court – approved 10 page summary of the Minutes & Record for the year
- Marketor (the WCM Members’ Magazine) and similar communication media
- Master’s Blog
- Great Events
- Marketor Events
- City of London Events attended by the Master
- Other Livery Company Events attended by the Master
- Other Non-Livery Company Events attended by the Master
The Master’s Printed Year Book was produced from extracted files from the above set of files. Two electronic versions were created by SDS City of London:
- The “Full Version” with approximately 200 pages from the first five items listed above, and 800-1,100 pages from the last five items, totalling around 1,000-1,300 pages. This was made for on-line use only.
- The “Printable Version” with approximately 200 pages from the first five items listed above, and 300-350 pages from the latter items, totalling around 500-550 pages. This was used for both on-line and digital print use.
The “Printable Version” was then extracted as a PDF file and sent via WeTransfer (and other similar file transfer systems) to the Master for his Tablet use. A leather-bound printed book was then ordered via an on-line printer, providing the (by now Past-) Master with a permanent, professional “coffee table” record of his entire year.
In the case of the WCM, the decision was made that the individual Master pays for any printed version. Other Livery Companies may consider whether to take the same route, or rather instead to present their Past-Masters with these special mementos of their individual year, either partly or fully funded.